donderdag 24 februari 2011

Running Wild

March 17, 2009  About 6 am. Chick and Chucky are ready for the day. No soft meowing in the hallway this time, but hardcore racing all over the house. They are on the bed, under the bed, under the blankets, hanging from the sheets. Chick bites into my big toe. Chucky tries to climb into the mosquito net. Nope, you can't do that, either. 
When Chucky suffers from a little energy dip, Chick will help him get over it. And the other way around. Their energy is boundless.
Last night Dia came to visit. Before she had entered the premises, Chick and Chucky had disappeared under the kitchen cupboards and get so quiet for the next hour that we started to wonder where they were. But Dia had hardly left the house and out they came, the big heroes. 

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