zondag 8 mei 2011

Look what the cat dragged in

21 August 2010 Professor Chucky studies the shrew mouse professor Chick caught while doing field research.

This is why:
In the Netherlands we have a website called 'Zoogdier gezien' (mammal spotted). One part of it is dedicated to what you could call look what the cat dragged in. You normally don't see mice, and some biologists think that is a pity; they want to know what kind of mice live in the Netherlands. And how many. And where. That's why they have called in the help of the experts: house cats - and their personnel.

In Wat brengt uw kat (what does your cat drag in)( you can send in pictures of what your cat has caught, and where he caught them. Chick & Chucky are happy to cooperate. A day without mice is a day lost.

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