zaterdag 28 september 2013


 Chick likes to be in the know - nay, she demands it. She noticed we were in a room she did not have access to. Unacceptable, of course. She worms her way in...

... to find Inge nursing Brownie. Brownie was attacked a few days ago, probably by a cat from the neighbours. She has no visible wounds and she can eat, drink & poop. If you hold her, she'll stand. If you let go, she falls. She cannot stand or walk by herself. We're hoping she will improve.
Chick does not hunt chickens - she and Chucky leave the chickens alone. But Brownie clearly did not like a cat - any cat - this close to her. Poor, traumatized Brownie! An indignant Chick was removed from these premises right after this picture was taken.

zaterdag 7 september 2013


Would love to take some action pictures - cats chasing things (birds, mice, bugs, spiders, each other). But I guess no feline cooperation  is forthcoming any time soon.